Who am I

No matter who I am
I exist, I live
It gives me pleasure to paint
It also makes me happy to share with you what I paint

My favorite word … is YES
YES is a positive word, optimistic, full of promise
YES is the opening towards what follows, towards the other

You are of course free to continue to wander around here or elsewhere
where the wind of your desires, your tastes, your dreams, will carry you

My Universe

The universe is … the infinite, the unknown, the immensity
So many things to discover
Infinity, what a beautiful inspiration

And I feel very small when I think of it
My universe is … the universe

So big
So mysterious
So much to discover

My universe is the bright colors
The red
I love red, I love reds ,
from orange to vermilion to purple

My paintings

None is a copy
Each painting is unique
They are all inspired by the works of great artists
But who can say that he is not influenced by anyone

Nobody …

And also …

I try every time I have the possibility to associate 2D and 3D
I find that the alloy, the alliance, of these dimensions are carriers of beauty, source of inspiration.

And to each his vision of beauty, to each his beauty

My Inspirations